Nederlandse Taekwon-do Federatie
Nederlandse Taekwon-do Federatie
Changhun Taekwon-do Center
International Taekwon-do Federation
Demo Basic School
Demo Basic School
Zeer enthousiaste leerlingen van de Basis Scholen Rbb en PI uit Tiel op maandag 13
april 2015 tijdens de Opening van de Nationale Sportweek met een Spectaculaire
Demonstratie uitgevoerd door afgevaardigden van het Demo-Team van
Taekwon-do Center

You can enjoy it from the slideshow and photos below
enthusiasm of the students present.
Especially after the Demo they got a lesson from our Sa-Seong Ron de Wilde and
Boo-Sabum Dirk Linschoten

In addition to the enthusiasm of students and teachers, especially the
elements observed during the Demo and additionally displayed on the
present banners of Taekwon-do Center.
Special educational disciplines from the East were refuted in this respect
the form of BIZVO with the elements Courtesy, Integrity, Self-control,
Perseverance and Invincible Spirit